Saturday 5 March 2011

My Film's Iconography

There will be the typical iconography of a futuristic sci-fi world in my film; hovercraft, laser guns, alien races mixed in with humans etc. There will also be the usual A-A conventional iconography, with explosions, high speed chases and shoot outs. As the main character is a detective, he will be wearing the normal detective outfit, consisting of a long coat and a badge. He will also say the usual police phrases, like "freeze" and "the target has escaped". The film is set in an oppressive city, so there will be guard robots, and lots of cameras and monitoring devices floating around. The aliens will all speak lots of different new languages.

1 comment:

  1. Jake - this is a very workable idea that combines action-sci-fi very effectively. Your characters are really interesting and so is your main plot idea. I like the way that you have covered the Brit-angle by using Bale and Johannsen - one British actor and the other who has done British set films. Just one suggestion - when you are describing your ideas avoid stating "general narrative", but actually illustrate in detail what you mean. In the exam, you will need to show off all that film knowledge you have...
